Saturday, December 06, 2008

Even More From Hahoe Folk Village...

We absolutely loved this little village.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Koreans Teach Us Kimchi Jjigae

***This is just a break in the Fanta Saga which will continue again next post.

With just under a month left in Korea we took the opportunity to learn to cook one of our favorite Korean dishes, Kimchi Jjigae with some of our favorite Korean ladies, Sang Hee and Hye Jung.

We all took turns doing something: Alissa sliced up the vegetables, Sang Hee diced up the tofu, Hye Jung sauted and spiced the kimchi and added the tuna, Matthew prepared the rice, while Jacyln went to look for more spoons as we only have enough for three.

We must say that we are a pretty good team because it tasted so good we scarfed the whole thing down without even snapping a picture of the final product. This is all that was leftover...

For all of those who are dying to try some authentic Korean food, we now know a traditional Korean classic for when we finally come home.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

More from Hahoe Folk Village

A symbol of late fall is the chrysanthemum, this town had an abundance of them growing against old walls and ancient houses. This area is particularly know for its famous all natural organic tea harvested at this time of year from these flowers.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Day 8 Continued: Pictures From Hahoe Folk Village

This is actually a real village with people that live and work in these houses and shops. The photographic opportunities were many in this quaint village. The sights were beautiful.