Sunday, November 29, 2009

Meandering In the Maritimes: Playing With Newfoundlanders in Victoria By The Sea

We walked to a park spilling out around the old lighthouse which is now Victoria's Seaport Museum. A local with was playing with her three beautiful Newfoundlanders. We they are such beautiful dogs. We played with them until they tired and then we went along.

Meandering In the Maritimes: The Wharf in Victoria By the Sea

We made our way from Halifax in the wee hours of the morning dropping Garret off at the Airport on the way out of town.

We managed to cross over the Confederation Bridge, the longest bridge over frozen waters in the world, to Prince Edward Island. We picked up maps at the information center that just opened minutes before.

Ahead of time, we decided to take the scenic route to Charlottetown along the southern coast, the red sands shore. We were immediately charmed as most are, from the simple country feel and vibrant rolling green pastures.

We stopped in scenic Victoria By the Sea and savored the stillness of this quaint sea-side town. Watching a single stork in the morning still waters brought us profound calm as we peered out from the wharf.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Olympic Torch's First Stop In Canada

The Olympic torch made its first Canadian stop to rainy Victoria on October 30th. The daughter of a co-worker, and token cancer girl for the city of Victoria (put bluntly by a friend), carried the touch to the festivities.

There was a luminary parade, signing, dancing, protesting...

But honestly, goofing around with fake mustaches at Swan's Pub while watching the drunk old people dance it up to oldies was much more entertaining!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Karon Beach, Phuket

We decided to do one last beach before booking out of Thailand. We decided on one of the classics that made Thailand famous, Phuket. We found an amazing deal on a hotel a 10 minute walk from the beach that was newly renovated in old Spanish décor.

This Beach completely kicked our ass! It was so damn beautiful. Karon Beach was generously covered in densely packed, tiny silk, orangy-white sand granules that felt like heaven beneath our feet. This beach, as far as the actual topographical beach goes, was the most beautiful we have ever visited. No matter how far you went out into the water the sand remained soft, and you could really go far out as it didn't drop off much. The temp was hotter than hot and we paid hard for this beach worship- we both got bad sunstroke!

The most beautiful sunsets were had at this beach. The pictures say it all.

The downside was definitely all the oldies, and Scandinavian families they were EVERYWHERE! Actually we felt more like we were in Sweden or Denmark than Thailand! Which isn't all that bad if you like looking at fat, 60 year old, grandma boobs!

Traditional Thai Therapy And A Touching Story of A Loving Family That Survived The 2005 Tsunami

Note: this is where we left off chronicling our adventures around Asia...
Matt's Beard was getting a bit out of control so we scowled the small island of Phi-Phi in search of a barber to give it a clipping. Finally we fond one. In front of the modest barbershop was a delightfully happy child. He was overflowing with joy as he kicked a small soccer ball back and forth with some tourists.

The lady was just finishing up with some local's hair cut so she, with a big smile, asked me to sit until she finished up. She seemed to glow with the same measure as the child playing in front.

We noticed that someone behind the barber chair was getting a massage. It wasn't your typical, everyday massage (get your mind out of the gutter). A smiling Thai man was hanging from 2 bamboo rods that hung from the ceiling parallel to the bed. He was jumping, stepping, and dancing all over the patient. Massaging them with only his feet!

He really looked authentic and there was an extremely good vibe that emanated from his smiling face. We read the testimonial book and it had only amazing reviews. So we decided that we wanted to give this native Thai healer a crack at us. Alissa was feeling as though something wasn't quite right so she was to go first.

Underneath the testimonial book was a book about the 2004 tsunami. As we waited for our beard trimming and massages, we flipped through the book and read a few of the survival stories. While reading one of the stories we realized that it was about this family.

After the 2004 tsunami struck, the husband (the smiley man giving the massages) gained consciousness and realized that the tidal wave had thrown him way far up in the canopy of some palm trees. He had no way to get down. His wife (the barber), pregnant at the time with their child (who now played in front of the store), was swept out to sea. She remembers gaining consciousness when, another Thai pulled her out of the water, tore off her Buddha pandant, then, after ripping the necklace off, threw her back in the sea. It wasn't until much later, a foreign tourist from the USA jumped in the water and brought her ashore. It was unreal what these people went through, and even more unreal was that they all survived and were just living there lives right in front of us!
After waiting about one hour finally I got my nasty, hippie beard trimmed, and Alissa got the massage.

The man stomped all over Alissa, and moved energy with his feet. He also got right on top of her and pushed on her with all his might. As he stomped, shuffled, and danced on her body, Matthew told me that he learned this kind of healing from his mother, who in turn, learned it from his grandmother. He explained in very broken, heavy accented English that it is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The whole experience was wild to watch and even wilder to experience as Alissa's innards gurgled, rumbled, bubbled, as his feet purged Alissa of blockages. He was a bit concerned about Alissa's condition, fearing that it might get worse, he insisted that we come first thing tomorrow morning at 7:00AM just before catching the ferry for another free treatment.

These people were excessively nice and were wonderful healers. Later, as you may know, things did get much worse! To this day we are unsure weather his crazy massage made things better or just brought out the worse, either way, it was an amazing experience that we will always remember.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lest We... Uhh ... I Forgot: Remembering Remembrance Day

We went to Sidney to check out Laura's marching and all the Remembrance Day Festivities. Cousin Jacob, in uniform, was doing a lot of saluting as we paid our dues. A Sea King Helicopter made a low fly by during the moment of silence. That was pretty cool.

It was nice to spend Remembrance Day with two people in service and see this day from 'the military point of view'.
A Where's Waldo Kinda Game: Can you spot Laura in the marching picture?

Monday, November 09, 2009

Autumn In Victoria

Autumn in Victoria is truly a strange and unnatural Autumn.

It is long.
It started to show its first signs at the end of September. In October, it was in full swing and as I write this today bright yellow leaves still cling to the scrawny birch outside our window although most of the leaves have fallen.

It is rainy.
The summers in Victoria are dry. In July, August, and September the grass stops growing and turns a soft yellow and brown. The beginning of Autumn in Victoria means the start of the rain again. It has rained everyday for at least the last 2 weeks.

It is green.
With all of the rain the grass springs to life in vibrate, fresh tones of green that we don't even see in prairie springtimes. The contrast of bright green grass littered with vibrant yellow and red fallen leaves is so beautiful yet strange and so unnatural.

For the most part we have enjoyed this type of fall although we have both worked long weeks and overcame the midterm hurdle.

As you can see the old heritage home that we rent was for sale and was sold in just a few weeks. Also, the young couple that rented the front suite moved back to Toronto. Educated and with a newborn baby they just couldn't find stable, full time employment with their Psych Degrees. There seems to be a lifeless vacuum left behind from their departure. The energy of a newborn baby seemed to radiate through the wall separating our suites. With their departure there is also a quiet peace.

This peace I revel in now as I type these words. Staring out the window at the scrawny birch outside dropping its yellow leaves on the bright green grass below.

Autumn in Victoria is truly a strange and unnatural Autumn.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Our Own Thanksgiving With Cousin Jacob and Laura

It was fun putting together our own Thanksgiving meal. Normally, we just eat it but never prepare it. It had a whole different meaning this year. Besides, it was our first Thanksgivng in 4 years that we spent back in Canada!

Our menu was ridiculous!
Matt & Alissa made: An autumnal goat brie, Auntie Brenda's traditional cream corn, anju pear baked rutabagas, harvest sugar beets, mashed sweet potatoes and Japanese noodle salad.
Jacob & Laura made: savory pumpkin seeds, herb stuffed turkey, spicy sausage stuffing, the gravey, and homemade pumpkin pie.

A few friends came by and partook in the feast!