Thursday, December 28, 2006

Late Merry Christmas and Early Happy New Years!!!

I was so damn busy the last few weeks that I didn't get to wish everyone seasons GRrreetings so here it goes...

Merry Christmas to ...

my mom- I definitely missed her Christmas Hugs and Cooking- especially the damn awesome ninnimo squares and deliciously scrupmtious apple tarts!

my dad- so I heard their were 4 batches of nuts'n'bolts this year!

brother- mainly for teasing my dad about burning or eating too much of the nuts'n'bolts!

My dogs (Ginger and Bief) for always being happy and trying to sneak some ordurves from the living room table when no ones looking.

My Beautiful Girlfriend Alissa- for just being so hot, cool, and awesome all the time!

(O.K. I already wished those people a Merry X-mas over the phone but the next people are brand new XMAS shout outs)

Alania, Karli, all the foreign teachers in China, and all the University Administration in Shenyang- Your generosity and warm Christmas Spirit made me feel like family over the Christmas Season!!! You Rock!!! (Yes, that right, I went to China for Christmas!!!)

Fuchs- For partying extra hard over the Christmas season- I'm sure this hasn't changed this year!

the Fuchs Family for putting up with Fuchs extra hard partying!

Goose- Quack-Quack- I have a message for you- Your girlfriend really misses and loves you!

the Harrison Family- I regret that I couldn't make it to your Christmas Party and say something completely stupid this year... maybe next year!

Lake- For always laughing and getin real wrecked over Christmas!

Jesa- For all the Christmas Hugs and good vibes you send. And for always helping put my ten sets of Christmas icicle lights on the ceiling of the apartment... I missed that this year... YOU ROCK!

Mark- For always drinking with me late into the night and for all the simple conversations we have when were there. Ohh yeah... and for always helping me move my crap into and out of my apartment.

Greame- For your zany humor, blunt conversations, and all the late Christmas Nights in the past. Hope your still keepin it real!

Cori- For your extreme kindness and of course your Christmas baking.

Zerr- For all the ridiculous things you do and say- and all the Christmas drunkenness! And all the wild parties you throw this time of year!! "Why you so crazy!!!"

To Stella- for all the "STELLA" things you say.

the costella family- for having us over for a fest everyyear- and of course the cookies.

To Tony- For the fun partying and for putting up with Zerr every day... that takes talent!

To Tera and Jill- For putting up with Tony everyday.

Tower for schooling me on the Fooseball table every Christmas while I'm half cut!

Chris and Jo- I really missed your Christmas partying and swank ass wine drinking!!! Ohh and doing all the fun couple stuff together, and the dirty conversations we always seem to get into at your apartment (why does that always seem to happen?)

Fanta- For actually leaving comments on my blog and for being so dang sweet all the time!

Rachelle- For sending me that Christmas Card Computer Internet thingy- It really really really made me smile when ever it popped up thank you for putting me in the spirit.

Joyce- I'm still talking about the Cali trip.... The Koreans love the stories from that trip!!!

Rene - For all the positive vibes -

Sarah - for being so funny and for putting up with your crazy Auntie

The Fesser Family- For raising such a beautiful daughter and putting up with her "I Miss Matt" everyday.

Stonge- ... (silence is where Jeff works his magic)

To all the Cvep Staff and all my old co-workers at the Ranch- I guess I missed out on the billion Christmas parties that are thrown there every year!

My Grandmother- Merry Irish Christmas Greetings.

To the rest of my family on both sides- I miss spending the holidays with your hospitality, cooking, and conversation.

To all my friends in Korea- I'll be ripin it up with you soon.

To All the Korean Teachers- (Stephanie, Jamie, Silver, Jerry) Thanks for all the smiles and Christmas Cheer at work all the time!

And to All the people that I have unknowingly left off this list... I'm sorry I forgot you... I assure you that I am still your friend and I still care about you ... I'm such a Dushe Bag... I can't believe I forgot you!!!!


Jolene - EverydayFoodie said...

Merry Christmas Matt! Miss you lots! Thanks so much for the nice Christmas wishes!

Hope you have a happy new year, rippin' it up Korean style.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Matt, I will freeze some baking for you to eat when you get home. :) (I actually haven't done any baking yet this year - it will have to be after-christmas baking as I am behind!)

Anonymous said...

How fortunate you are to experience another culture and their customs expecially during the holidays! Thanks for the Christmas greeting!
Renee and Sarah

Anonymous said...

your blog is not the same without pictures.

Anonymous said...

Matt I do not bitch about missing you, I bitch about you going out with other chicks ... other than that this long distance relationship has been good for the both of us. Christmas wasn't the same without you, however we can have our own Christmas in three weeks ... I hope (damn UofR)
I Love you!!!
And I miss everything about you!!!! Yes everything!!
xoxox Alissa

Fanta said...

Thanks Matt! I'm on the list! woot woot. Merry late Christmas to you too! Thanks for the Reiki!

And Alissa hasn't gone totaly mad, she's concealed it quite well. he he

You know it's been quite awhile when your friends can't wait for you and your girlfriend to get together!!! I'm frustrated. j/k

Take Care have a kick ass New Year!!!


Anonymous said...

what Matt you are going out with other chicks? What is up buddy- don't mess with a good thing! I am sure that there are tons of men to dine with!
Cheers you are a good friend - just need some guidence in the woman department! Alissa you better get your Canadian ass to Korea fast!