Friday, April 25, 2008

The Cherry Marathon at Kyoungju on April 5th: A Pictorial Retelling

This is the start/ finish line. Note the newly completed Kyoungju Expo Building in the background.

It's me running to the finish line. No, not him. I'm behind that other dude. Note the ancient tomb mounds in the background.

The magnolias were in full bloom.

Alissa and I swear that we took the same photo last year but this scene is so crazy, we couldn't resist this year.

The cherry trees were also in full bloom.

Fresh dried roasted squid and spicy cup of noodles... the Korean beach bum lunch of choice.

A boy throwing rocks mindlessly at the waves.



Anonymous said...

Awesome pics guys!! The one of the little boy throwing rocks is especially cool :-) Hope all is well! Can't wait to see you!

Jolene and Chris

Anonymous said...

Looks like your day of running was much nicer than my was. I ran the RPS Half Marathon last weekend and had a time of 1hr 51mins, 15 mins better than my last one and the weather was shitty. Anyways looking forward to see you guys in about 3 weeks.


Fanta said...

... almost home time! woot woot