Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Yes, It's Official... We're Engaged: A Detailed Retelling of How It Went Down

The ring was bought a few weeks ago and I was holding out for the right time to put it on her finger. The last few weeks were especially hectic. Alissa was sick, in-and-out of doctors offices, she was training for a new job while holding two others. I was struck with mid-term week as well as getting the required paperwork for jobs, and my first reflexology treatments in our house.
Although the timing was up in the air, the location wasn't. On some of my long runs along the ocean, I had come across a quite area, a bed of rocks that I believed would be a perfect venue. Actually, I never really explored what was behind the rocks but I just had a feeling that something powerful was behind those rocks and that it ought to be the place. The trick was getting her there without making things obvious.

Since we both had Sunday off, I mentioned that we should go on a picnic. Alissa wasn't suspicious at all because we have gone on many picnics since we've been in Victoria, trying to go to different places each time. On top of that, she didn't even think I had a ring picked out.

Alissa resisted this idea of a picnic at first and I didn't want to press the issue too hard and make it obvious. She needed to go to the library and wanted to give me some uninterrupted study time. I thought it would have to wait for another day.

Alissa left then, about ten minutes later, came back. She said that the library was closed. I said I wanted to study outside and I knew a nice spot. She made up some pasta salad and sandwiches, I packed up 'my books' (the ring), and we were off.

We had some initial issues with catching a bus and, once again were debating just going back home. If we waited for the next bus in a few hours it would be getting late and cooling off. We were just about to turn back when we spotted a bus down the next road that would take us to the location. We sprinted and jumped in just before the doors closed.

We came as close to the location as we could on the bus then headed out on foot for about 15 minutes. We dropped into the quite neighbourhood filled with a mix of lazy, beautiful, old and cutting-edge, new houses. Then we approached the rocks that I had such a good feeling about, but had never explored. It was a first for us both. As we traversed the rocks we were met with a sight that was breathtaking.

Alissa exclaimed, “this view is so Canadian”. It was true. The wild flower covered rockface was somewhat smooth and rolling. It jutted out into a small peninsula that created a sense of isolation and a beautiful, almost 360, panoramic view. To the far left was a few old houses that bordered the rocky shore, just barely visible in the distance. Then moving left to right was narrow rocky island that had a picturesque red light house at the far end. The wonderfully playful cloud formations bridged the space of the open sea between the lighthouse and low rising mountains. These were the Olympic Mountains of the U.S.A. And as you continued right the pillowing clouds aggregated behind the snow capped mountain tops in the distance. Behind the rocks to the far right, just out of view, was the old weather-washed headstones of the Old Chinese Cemetery.

We laid our blankets down in a grassy-flowery patch and fully took in the view in a way that someone from a place thousands of kilometers from Mountains or sea could only do.

Although the scenery was beautiful, it was a bit windy. As we finished eating, Alissa was starting to get a chill. So I pulled out some sweaters and jackets for her.

I handed her my jacket and said, “here, try this on”.

And Alissa put on my jacket.

I handed her a sweater and said, “Here, try this on.”

She said, “I'm OK.'

Then I reached for the ring that was hidden in my backpack and said, “Here, try this on.”


Cori said...

Congratulations Matt and Alissa! How exciting. We booked our flights today for Vancouver - October 1 to October 6. We will have to makes some plans to meet up. The pictures of the ring with the flowers are so beautiful.

Matt said...

Thanks Cori,

Can't wait to meet up with you.

Jeff and Alaina said...

Congratulations on your engagement! We just heard the news from Cori. The ring is beautiful and the proposal sounds very romantic.

Matt said...

Jeff & Alaina,

Thanks guys.

Yes, the ring is beautiful.

And yes, it was pretty much as romantic as Matt gets.