Saturday, August 21, 2010

Three Days and Three Nights With Hye Jung & Mike: Worst Hostel Experience Ever and Drinking Under the Full Moon

Ukie Days were taking place in the small unpretentious town of Ucluelet. We claimed our bunks at C&N hostel earlier that day. We were very fortunate to get beds considering it usually fills up around the busy season, and of course the traffic might have been a bit heavier for the Ukee Days Festival.

That evening we picked up some Granville Island IPA and headed to the historic Ukee lighthouse. The night was very chill as we howled at the full moon and its reflection in the sea. Our minds just kind of unravelled in the peace of the overly lit night. We chatted about this and that and tossed opinions around about the origin of the strange noises that nature supplied. After having a few beers in the nearby Wild Pacific Trail, we agreed that we should get a good nights sleep so we can get an early start the next day. So we retired to the hostel.

At 5:00AM we all awoke to the sound of projectile vomit hitting the linoleum flooring from high above us. Its origin was from a young man on the top bunk who clearly had a little bit too much fun at Ukie Days! The rain of vomit and resulting inhuman stench splattered and filled the room.
Luckily for us he was at a bunk on the other side of the dorm (I guess that's luck???).

Gagging and holding our breath, we threw everything into our packs and got out of their as fast as we could. It was an unexpectedly early start to a beautiful day!

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