Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hye Jung's Last Visit (For A Long Time)

At the end of August our good friend Hye Jung left Canada for a few month long backpacking of Europe then home to Korea. She came up at the end of August for one last visit. We went for fresh local oysters at Pescatores, then took in some live music at the Scottish pub, Bard & Banker. The next day we chilled out at the Oak Bay Marina, then had some sustainable seafood at the ultra popular, Red Fish, Blue Fish.

Have a fun, safe trip Hye Jung.


Jolene - EverydayFoodie said...

Happy Thanksgiving Matt and Alissa!
We hope to see you soon :-)

Jolene & Chris

Matt said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you guys too!

We had a different Thanksgiving this year. Expect a post on it soon.

Alissa & Matt