Saturday, May 12, 2007

It Was an International Theme Party for the Foreigners In Chilgok!!!

These were the rules:

  1. You must dress like someone from another country.

  2. You must act like someone from that country.

  3. You must decorate your apartment in the theme of your country.

  4. You must supply alcohol that comes from that country.

  5. You must supply food that comes from that country.

  6. You must have an insane amount of drunkin fun!!!

Some of the highlights of the night:

Eating homemade BBQ burgers, corn-on-the-cob, and mashed potatoes (washed down with Bud of course) at Katie's USA pad!

Chugging Choirbas at our Greek themed apartment.

Tequila shots and an hour long sing-a-long to "Labumba" at Mike's claustrophobicly small apartment.

White Russians at Jonnie's Pad!

And the colourful finale with fresh fruit plates, candy, and Sangreas at Michelle's!!!

The funist (that's right 'funist') part of the night had to be when we were walking from our apartment to Mike's place. We all broke into a slurry rendition of our real counties anthems... what a night!

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