Sunday, July 01, 2007

This Post Is Dedicated To Our Good Friend... Fanta!
Did you know these bizzire but interesting facts about Fanta...
  • Fanta is one of the top soft drinks in Korea
  • You can find it at all convenient stores and at all bars- even if all they have only one soft drink in their fridge, chances are it's Fanta
  • Fanta tastes great with soju or, at the very least, just as a chaser
  • There's a giant private Kindergarten by our school that is sponsored by the famous soft drink.
  • There is even a Fanta bus and hideous little yellow and orange coloured Fanta school uniforms that the little Fantaites (!?!) prance around in!!!
  • Yes... it's a fact... Koreans love Fanta!

Thanks so much to our good friend, Fanta, and all others who post on this blog... it really makes our day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THAT'S SO KEWL!!!!! I'M EVERYWHERE! WOOT WOOT I so should move to Korea, people will LOVE me! *giggles* awwww thanks you guys that totaly made my day!!!! x0x0x0x