Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Our Bangkok City Bus Goes Up In Smoke

We were told that the city buses in Bangkok were great for getting around. After our experience, we wouldn't really recommend it...

On our hour long city bus journey to a Bangkok water park, we could smell something not right, something burning. At first we disregarded it, and figured that the buses in Bangkok must be very old and a bit undermaintained. Aways, the locals seemed to be able to ignore it, so we also tried. About 40 minutes into our trip things started to get worse. The bus ticket taker gave us the heads up and told us to go near the rear exit where the fumes weren't as strong. God bless her.

So we got up and stood by the exit, by this time the other passengers started to share uneasy glances and some used their scarfs or jackets to cover their mouths. When we got to the exit a well-to-do, nicely dressed business man told us very bluntly, “This bus is NOT SAFE. Get off now!”

Just as the last word left that man's lips, the whole front of the bus was engulfed in an unhealthy looking black smoke. We got the hell out of there in a hurry. Looking back we can't help but laugh.

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