Monday, April 20, 2009

Our Sleeper Boat Trip Scam From Koh Tao To Koh Lanta

Here’s another one to add to the books…

They crammed about 100 of us into a shity little wooden Thai boat like a canner cans sardines. Some of us had old, thin mattresses that would better be described as sleeping pads. The real lucky ones even had small pillows that were barely big enough to support a head (small lucky heads like our were fine).

The sleep on this baby was surprisingly good. A swaying drunk circle of bongo playing hippies lullabied us to sleep as diesel fumes from the motor beside us nuddged us deeper into sleep. One of our most peaceful moments in Thailand was waking in the middle of the night to the light covered squid-catching boats bobbing radiantly in the steep dark of night.

As it turned out we waited an hour or so (enough time for the tour companies restaurant to profit from our hungry breakfast bellies) after making landfall. Then we boarded a bus that took us to the Karabi port where we were supposed to board a high speed ferry to the island of Koh Lanta.

We (and all the others who had bought tickets in Koh Tao) were had. They filed us into a minivan then into a shittier mini van, then into a public island ferry, the some more driving, then another ferry. Finally, a little cheesed off, we arrived in beautiful Koh Lanta.

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