Saturday, April 17, 2010

Chillin' At The Falls In Goldstream Provincial Park

After hiking the path along the stream for a while we got to the falls. It isn't a large waterfall but the pool of water it dumps into and the surrounding area are peaceful. We took our time absorbing such beauty sitting on rocks and logs lodged up on the shore. The mist from the falls made the air around us seem so fresh and pure.

The path we took back to the car took us through old growth rainforest and along a marsh- a staging ground for the orchorstra of croaking frogs celebrating spring.

The next day Rhea and Ryan headed back to Regina- we had a great time with them and felt closer as a family in the end.

Days later, looking back at the time we spent together one question still remained in our heads...

Why does Rhea have such constitutionally weak ankles???

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hiking Goldstream Provincial Park

The last big outing with the family was to Goldstream Provincial Park just 20 minutes outside Victoria. We followed the running water up the trial. The sound of trickling water throughout the hike set the tranquil mood. We all wondered what this site would look and feel like during the annual salmon run- bald eagles feasting on the helpless salmon, tourists creating even more of a frenzy?

Alissa Ended Her Birthday Weekend With The Usual...

Opening Birthday cards and presents, getting phone calls from family, "Happy Birthday Songs", and blowing out candles on melting DQ ice cream cakes- standard B-Day stuff!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Exploring Ruckle Farm- British Columbia's Oldest Working Farm

Initially we though were were on the 10KM hiking loop around Yeo Point, but soon realized that we were circling back to Ruckle Farm at the parks entrance. No Prob.

Walking around the farmyard was pretty cool. You almost felt as if you were in a movie about some old farm a long time ago. In many ways this place felt like the Anne of Green Gables Farm that we had visited in the summer. Because it is still a working farm a few farm hands were out doing some maintenance. The apple orchard, sheep pasture, and turkey coop on the wood-fenced, green gassed, cleared land of the farm made for an picture perfect sight.

It seemed as though it was meant that we had not taken the trail to Yeo Point because the fluffy clouds ahead had gotten offaly dark. Just as we got back to our car it started to rain.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hiking Ruckle Provincial Park On Saltspring Island

The skies were filled with fluffy clouds, the grass was vibrant green, and the ocean waters were still- this hike along the coast at Ruckle Provincial Park couldn't be better on a day like today. We took our time walking though the empty campsites on our way to the historic Ruckle family farmhouse.

Hiking In Burgoyne Bay Park On Saltspring Island

The next morning we awoke a tinny bit hung-over and headed to Burgoyne Bay to do a hike. We could see the beautiful cleared green patches of farmland leading to the beach and dark turquoise waters of Burgoyne Bay from high atop Mt. Maxwell the day before. Today it was interesting to look back at the cliff face of Mount Maxwell from the bottom.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Alissa's B-Day On Salt Spring Island: Osyters, Harbours, Birthday Shots, and Live Reggae Music

Alissa had a Birthday to remember. Rhea, Ryan, Matthew, and Alissa started the night off in Ganges at Oystercatcher Seafood & Oyster Bar that overlooked the cities small harbour. The food and wine was delightful- the local muscles in cream sause and local 2007 Salt Spring Island Winery Millotage made for an excellent starter in front of an open gas flame.

After some nachos, and dry ribs and a few more glasses. We headed to Moby's Oyster Bar to catch some live music. Tonight was a reggae band from T.O. We did some shots, drank some Salt Spring Island Brewery Whale Ales and danced the night away until Alissa's real B-Day after midnight.

What a night!

Monday, April 05, 2010

Mount Maxwell At Salt Spring Island

After arriving on Salt Spring Island we went into the largest town on the island, Ganges. There we ate breakfast in a cosy restaurant built into a tree called The Treehouse Cafe. They had little heaters under each table and blankets to keep us warm.

After warming and filling up, we headed out of town to hike Mount Maxwell. It turns out that the road to the park wasn't meant for the little Toyota Echo- it soon turned into a bit of an off-road adventure. The views from the top and hike along the cliffs edge rewarded us when we managed to get to the top.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Ferrying To Salt Spring Island

A day after Rhea and Ryan returned from a two day trip to Tofino, we were off on an early morning ferry to the biggest gulf island, Salt Spring Island.