Saturday, April 17, 2010

Chillin' At The Falls In Goldstream Provincial Park

After hiking the path along the stream for a while we got to the falls. It isn't a large waterfall but the pool of water it dumps into and the surrounding area are peaceful. We took our time absorbing such beauty sitting on rocks and logs lodged up on the shore. The mist from the falls made the air around us seem so fresh and pure.

The path we took back to the car took us through old growth rainforest and along a marsh- a staging ground for the orchorstra of croaking frogs celebrating spring.

The next day Rhea and Ryan headed back to Regina- we had a great time with them and felt closer as a family in the end.

Days later, looking back at the time we spent together one question still remained in our heads...

Why does Rhea have such constitutionally weak ankles???

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