Tuesday, May 08, 2007

They Have a Reflexology and Foot Bath Area at Yangnyeongsi

After a few hours of walking around we stumbled upon the Oriental Herbal Medicine Foot Bath Area. Thank god! Our feet were bagging for a treatment at that point (note Alissa and my shaudy footwear).

I gave Alissa a reflexology treatment (jealous) then we soaked our tired feet in a concoction of herbs and water formulated especially for our stinky feet!

We chilled out in this area just a block off the main market street but it seemed like miles away from the hustley and bustley market. The area was surrounded in flowers and greenery, and gated by a Traditional gate often found at Buddhist temples. The sound of water trickling into a pond only added to our relaxation as our feet rested in a wood barrel for about 20 minutes.

Our attention was seized by the wonderful sight and sound of the gentle breeze blowing little, white traditional rice papers marked with Korean writing, and tied to a large rope which was strung over the pond. We asked one of the festival volunteers what was up with them. He said "you write a wish on the paper and hang it in the wind and it might come true". So we wished...


Anonymous said...

You too are too cute.

Anonymous said...

two ... are too ... I meant