Tuesday, June 05, 2007


It boasted that it was "The First and Largest Sex Museum in the World" with 79, 080 square feet of sexual sexiness....

who was I to argue with them.

Alissa and I were especially curious about the sex museum because Korea is so conservative when it comes to sex. Most girls in Korea deny that they have sex and sex is a lot more taboo than it is in Canada. A 25 year old Korean friend of Alissa's even asked her how you get AIDS. Needless to say Korea is a little behind in educating their youth on sex health and education.
The museum was a mixture of education, culture, fun, and of course down right and dirty smut!
Although most of the signage was only in Korean, we still had a blast. Here are some of the highlights of our trip to this stimulating museum ...
  • The Phone Booth Phone Sex- one phone booth had a Korean woman's voice and the other had a Korean man's voice.
  • The Traditional Korean Honeymoon Exhibit- The exhibit consisted of the facade of an old Korean House, with thatched wooden doors that were covered in rice paper. The rice paper had holes poked out where you were to peek in. When you did this a large screen was playing a porno of a 'Traditional Korean Honeymoon'. The movie had traditional clothes and all (or lack of clothes)!
  • The History of the Pad Exhibit- It showcased the evolution of devices used during that time of the month (see above pic).
  • The Japanese Animation, Sex, and Culture Room- It was filled with toys, models, displays, and cartoons of popular Japanese adult animation characters.
  • The Statue Garden- The entrance of the museum was littered with towering 15 foot granite penises, and of course, vagina, breasts , and many nudes. A group of 70 year old Korean ladies made us chuckle as they posed for a picture under the massive erections of massive erections.


Fanta said...

Nice to see that you two are clearly having a blast! *giggles*

Alissa, did you wash your hands after you touched the large penis? ewwwww...

Miss ya guys tons!!!!

Anonymous said...

You know...the participants ask about you all the time, but how are we to show them what you are up to when you have big pictures of penis' on your page...

Miss ya Matt!