Sunday, June 08, 2008

My Brother

Someone in Regina asked me, “Who out of all the people that you have visited, changed the most?”

Well, my parents are still pretty much just doing the same old things they were doing when I left, most of my friends have secured provincial government jobs now, but really haven't changed much. Oh, Chris and Joe bought a nice house, and, of course, the Gooses tied the metaphorical knot, but still they are basically the same people, doing the same characteristic things they usually do.

There was one person who I thought changed the most (if you can't figure out who by the title and pictures you deserve to be shot in the head), my brother, Garret.

Yeah, he still takes ridiculous amounts of supplemental vitamins and drives his big, rusty Toyota truck, but he has changed in a big way.

He used to frequent the place he called, his 'Batcave' AKA our parents basement. Now, he lives in a cool flat-roofed rented house close to the U of S.

He once used to go on dates with only Selinger and Kovatch, now he goes on heterosexual dates with his cute nursing-student girlfriend, Kristine.

His main duty in the mornings used to be, making sure the basement couch in our parents' basement retained the worked-in form of his body, now he's up at 5:00AM working nursing practicum shifts before finishing assignments late into the night.

I must say, I feel like the lazy one now, as I sip tea and type this entry late into the morning after browsing travel guides of countries I am sure to visit soon. Either way, I am proud of the studious, yet still fun-loving person he has become. The time we spent with him and Kristine in Saskatoon were some of the best times we had on our trip home.

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