Monday, December 21, 2009

Meandering in the Maritimes: Greenwich National Park

After our hike around the Gables House we hopped in the car and headed to Greenwich. The drive into the small rural area greeted us with views of wondrous bright green hills which seemed greener under the low cloud cover and drizzling rain.

When we pulled into the newly protected adjunct of the Prince Edward Island National Park the rain seemed to turn to a mist so we parked the car and headed out on one of the hiking trails.
It remained misty as we walked through forested areas, over marshland, and finally to the ocean. From there we viewed some very cool, rare parabolic sand dunes called Genenwalle before heading back to Charlottetown.


FilipBlog said...

Nice nature park, looks a bit like the Everglades with the swamp.

Kind regards,

Matt said...


Prince Edward Island is one of Canada's most popular tourist spots.

This park is really nice because it gives the feel of what this small island must have been like before it was inhabited.

From the pictures it does kind of look like the Evergldes but really the swamp is just a small portion of the park.
