Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Florence (Part 2): Wondering the Streets of Florence At Night

After filling up on food we loved just wondering the streets of Florence. Although it was quite touristy it still retained a beautiful local feel to it, not lost in the bustle of camera toting tourists like us... Hahaha

Watching a tight group of white shirted Italian teenage boys trailing a group of sundressed-out-on-the-town teenage girls on the streets was like being in an Italian movie. The set was these narrow streets with enormous oversized wood doorways and street cafes. The girls would glace back at the boys and the boys would whistle and cat call them in return. This young romantic dance played out for a few blocks before the girls slipped into a cafe.

We were lucky enough to have a few of these wonderful nights in Florence, which was always capped off by a gelato at Grom. We, with the local Italians and some tourists, waited in line which tailed down the street for what would turn out to be the best gelato of our trip.

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