Sunday, May 06, 2007

Costco Made It To Korea... THANK GOD!!!

There are some things that you use everyday in Canada that are impossible to find in the small street markets, corner stores, and even in the conglomerate owned mega department stores in Korea.
These things are are even more valuable then a brick of gold to foreigner schmoes like Alissa and I.
In fact these things are valued so much that that I would even go to the extent to say that these 'rare jewels' are priceless.
I've heard rumors that foreigners that were at their wits end with Korean culture actually killed for these precious pretties!!!
The place in which these treasures are housed are only a 30 minute bus ride from the end of our block.
Below is a list of protected national designated treasures and intangible cultural assets protected and on display in the Western Cultural and Culinary Museum (A.K.A. Daegu Costco):
Designated Treasure # 137: Sour Cream
Designated Treasure # 71: Cesar Salad Dressing
Protected Cultural Asset # 13: Sunscreen
Designated Treasure # 42: Cinnamon Buns
Protected Cultural Asset # 2: Old Cheddar Cheese
Protected Cultural Asset # 985: Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent With Bounty Fabric Softener
Designated Treasure # 18: Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup
Protected Cultural Asset # 61: Cereal without Tons of Sugar
Designated Treasure # 119: Costco Pizza


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha ... what is with the first picture?

John Murney said...

Wow, I never would have guessed. What a place!

Anonymous said...

Cosco- home of the hotdog and drink speciatl! Reassuring to know that the corporate bussiness is mainstream everywhere even in Korea or is it? See that you two have fun everywhere! I would like some spicy cabbage please! I am still job hunting! check out face book - I think I am addicted to your blog and facebook - seriously I need a vacation LOL

Matt said...

I'd just like to really thank everybody who posts comments on this crazy blogy blue!

The first picture is of some sort of parade that they had for Children's Day on Saturday(a National Holiday celebrating the youth of Korea). It was a few blocks from Costco and seemed to make no sense so I thought I'd snap a photo!
