Sunday, November 16, 2008

Day 2: Artsy Seoul

On day two we woke up a bit late due to our late night gallivanting the night before. We took the metro to the Leeum Samsung Museum of Art, the premier art gallery of Korea. There we saw such awe inspiring pieces, the out door exhibit of freaky looking giant spiders was quite memorable as well as many old pieces of pottery from thousands of years ago.
After that we traversed small alleyways in search of Sanchon, a famous all vegetarian authentic Buddhist restaurant. It was a lot more breathtaking inside than the outside lead us to believe. Once we stepped inside we felt at peace inside this old traditional Korean home. We were served 16 small side dishes, all of which were better than any we had tried in the last few years in Korea. I guess that wasn't much of a surprise as Sanchon was selected as one of the top 10 best restaurants in Asia by the Washington Post.

After digesting our meal over tea in a few tea houses, we winded down the night at a Japanese bar.


Fanta said...

BEST FOOD EVER! Although, the tea house... that was my fav too. :) he he

Matt said...

Yes we were undecided as to which one was better... they were both so damn good.