Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fanta's Third Day In Korea

While I darted back to Daegu to work, Alissa and Fanta took the fall morning to enjoy Gyeongbokgung Palace. This old palace and surrounding park must have been a perfect transition from Seoul's busy downtown to the slower pace of Chilgok, the suburb of Daegu where we live.

After we came home from work that night we went out for galbi (Korean pork BBQ) at one of our favorite joints. It was in that restaurant where we created an impromptu song that became a bit of an anthem throughout Fanta's stay.

“We're goin' eat GALBI, GALBI, tonight.
We're goin' eat GALBI, GALBI, tonight.”


Fanta said...

mano mano mano mano manoooooooo... we're going to have Galbi toniiiiiiight... ha cha cha. I sing that at work! And when I've had friends over for tea, I sing it for them too *chuckles*

Anonymous said...
